Today, thousands of people - the distraught followers of a false prophet who predicted the Rapture of the saints on a specific date and time - are realizing the folly of the lies they believed with impunity.
Many people in the secular media and even in some religious media, and in particular on social media such as Facebook, are laughing at these folks today - taunting, cackling, making profane jokes at the expense of these folks and their now defunct leader.
What should the Christian response be to this event? Can we join in the derision and laughter, or should we be doing something else?
One of the 1,000's of billboards paid for by Camping's followers |
When Harold Camping first predicted the Rapture for 1994 - the date also came and went - but it was explained away as a "trial run", a "miscalculation" on his part in interpreting the dates and year counts of Scripture as it applies to end times study (eschatology). He then: 1. Set a new date, of May 21st, 2011 at precisely 6 pm worldwide, and 2. Described a "rolling Rapture" that would begin with a massive earthquake in the earliest time zone and work it's way westward across the planet as the Christians in each time zone would be translated to heaven one after the other.
And both of those points are strictly against what Jesus Himself taught.
First of all, Jesus plainly told His disciples that absolutely NO ONE - not the angels, not even Himself - knew what the day or hour of His return would be. God the Father has reserved that knowledge to Himself alone. Why? Jesus doesn't say - but I would expect that had He told His disciples, "Yeah, I know the exact date and time - but I'm not telling you!" it would have caused some mistrust and ill-feelings. I mean, they were already arguing over who would have the preeminent positions in the coming Kingdom anyway. - this could've really sent them over the edge in a big way.
As for us today - if we knew exactly what date Jesus was going to return - could you imagine how we would live our lives? Quite the party until, oh, maybe a week or so before the event - and then, boom! All of a sudden we'd all turn pious and saintly to meet the Lord!
But, in all seriousness, God has chosen to not tell us that date, that time, for His Own reasons - and we simply have to accept that. We can vaguely understand some of the reasoning - but we can't know fully why this is. That's alright - because we don't need to know, anyway. We simply are told that we must be ready at all times - to live as if He could return any moment.
The second part that Mr. Camping got wrong was the "rolling Rapture" idea. Scripture clearly tells us that when Jesus returns it will be instantaneous, worldwide and at the exact same moment for all. It most likely won't be heralded by any earthquake someplace on the other side of the world, either - depending on your views of eschatology (pre-, mid- or post tribulationist) of course.
But, most Christians already know most of these matters. If they have been taught the basics of theology and eschatology from their pulpits, Sunday Schools and Bible studies - as they should be - then they will have come across this information at some point.*
(*If not - you might want to have a little chat with your minister or teacher as to WHY they haven't taught this - and maybe do some learning on your own from the Scriptures! If yo need some guidance as to how to do this - send me a message and I can show you to some excellent resources that will help you to begin studying these matters for yourself. HMR)
The question before us, now, is what do we do in the aftermath of this debacle? For debacle it is - an event that truly threw filth upon the Name of Jesus around the world. What can we, as Christians, do in response to this?
First of all - and especially if you personally know anyone who was/is a follower of Camping - love them, reach out in love to them and pray for them. Don't push them away, don't taunt or tease them. Don't post scathing remarks on social media or in e-mails. They are broken, hurting people right now. Even the ones who may still profess faith in their leader are still hurting inside. Many people sold their homes, gave away their money and belongings and did all kinds of things in preparation for this event - and now they have to live with the aftermath of it. Some may even be suicidal. A Christians second duty; after loving God with all of their mind, body and soul; is to love our neighbors as ourselves. NOW is the time to show restraint of what may be our own personal prejudices and inclinations and to SHOW that love to these people and on behalf of them. Now is NOT the time to condemn or harangue!
As for Mr. Camping himself - I will not sit and pass judgment on him - because God already will and has. I will say what I have said all along - that Camping is a false teacher of a false gospel, a false prophet, a heretic and a blasphemer. He became proud in his own flesh - presuming to know the things of God that God has reserved to Himself alone. God will judge him or grant him mercy, as God so purposes - and that is not for me or anyone else to decide. There may be legal and civil penalties that may come to bear on Mr. Camping and his organization - but, again, that is not for me to judge, but for the courts of the land.
Finally, if people come up to you and ask questions - answer them from the Bible and pray for the Holy Spirit to lead your words. If they come up to deride you - the temptation is to be like Peter and say, "I didn't know the man!" Especially don't join in the derision yourself because you're afraid of being thought ill of. Truth be told, the world is gonna wash all Christians with the same brush right now, even if it's been dipped in the tiniest amount of paint - we, too, will get painted with it. We need to show true humility towards, strength in and reliance on God on these occasions (as at all times!). Harold Camping may be a false prophet - but he is still a created human being - deserving of compassion and love and, until he takes his very last breath, he may still repent, confessing his sins to God and come back to God's grace and merciful love. We cannot know his heart - that is between him and God alone to know.
I urge all of my brothers and sisters to refrain from the bashing and vilification that so many are engaging in over Mr. Camping and his followers. It is not an act of Christian love and charity to speak or act in that manner - but rather to rise above such pettiness and show the same love and mercy as we ourselves have been shown - mercy and love from God Almighty.
May God Who spread the starry skies across the heavens and laid the foundations of the earth grant you strength, wisdom, humility and an outpouring of wisdom and love. As always, I am,
In His service,
Heidi M. Roberts
May 22, 2011
Wierd... My bible dosn't say anything about Jesus' return but that he is with us at all time until the end of time and when that time comes we should follow the man carrying the water into the house he enters... It is NOT the end of the world he was talking about but the end of this time... Two different things, now we live in the era of the pisces and aproxemetly 2051 we go on to the era of the aquarius... Jesus was just the messenger of this era and will be superseded/replaced by a new profet... And a profet he was, no more no less. Humans just like to interpet things in there own way for there own good. And when he said he was gods son he didn't mean like we have sons and daughters but as a master have an apprentice...
ReplyDeleteISOtopen - with GOD as my witness
God bless U all
ISO - thank you for your comments. You raised many points that would be difficult for me to address in a single sitting, but let me take the one you began with, namely the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
ReplyDeleteI, too, once believed these same things, ISO. I was a pagan for over 20 years. Much of what I have in knowledge now about matters of Christianity and God stem from the time I spent researching these same matters in order to denigrate Christianity, grind it into dust.
Funny thing happened, though – I have now wound up using that same information – albeit in a 180 degree different direction, to say and do quite the opposite. I, who spent most of my adult life denouncing God have now become His – in body, soul and mind. Not because He demanded it of me – no. But, rather, because I recognize how much He loves me and what He did for me on that cross nigh on two thousand years ago. That, I realize now, had I only ever been the only person to have ever accepted His gift of salvation – He still would have done it.
I do need to ask, however, what version of the Bible are you referring? Because not only do numerous scriptures in the New Testament speak of the second coming of Jesus Christ in the end times (including what Jesus Himself said!), but the Old Testament as well.
ISO, I think that your viewpoint is colored by your apparent disbelief in the divinity of Jesus Christ. You refer to Jesus as "...a prophet, no more, no less". But the truth is ISO, that Jesus Himself declared that He was, indeed, God - the third Person of the triune Godhead which is God the Father, God the Son (Jesus) and God the Holy Spirit! He indeed told His disciples not to call Him “Rabbi” (which means “teacher” in Hebrew)
ReplyDeleteBuddha never claimed to be God. Moses never claimed to be Jehovah. Mohammed never claimed to be Allah. Yet Jesus Christ claimed to be the true and living God. Buddha simply said, "I am a teacher in search of the truth." Jesus said, "I AM the Truth." Confucius said, "I never claimed to be holy." Jesus said, "Who convicts me of sin?" Mohammed said, "Unless God throws his cloak of mercy over me, I have no hope." Jesus said, "Unless you believe in Me, you will die in your sins."
A famous author, C.S. Lewis wrote: "A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic – on a level with the man who says he is a poached egg – or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God; or else a madman or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool, you can spit at Him and kill him as a demon; or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about His being a great human teacher[or prophet! – italics mine]. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to.--C.S. Lewis
Jesus said, "I am the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE. None come to the Father but through Me." He wasn't saying that His message was only one of many. He wasn't saying He was teaching about one of many ways to come to God. He said, point-blank, that He Himself IS the ONLY way, the ONLY truth and the ONLY life. There is no other Name in all of creation by which we can be saved. Not Buddha, not Mohammed - not even Moses or any of the prophets or judges of the Old Testament.
Jesus ONLY.
Because of my personal experience with Jesus, I have learned to long for His soon appearing, the second coming of Jesus Christ. One day soon, we will be living very different lives because Jesus will be with us in person.
ReplyDeleteJesus IS coming again! And it is to happen soon! The unrest we find in the world today speaks of our need for a Savior to finally bring the trouble we have in our world to an end.
It will be a very visible event! It will not be secret, because Jesus Himself tells us what His return will be like.
There will be no others like Jesus – as there were none before Him, either. If any appear who claim to be such - they are false.
God's plan for humanity and all of creation is not a matter of interpretation - it is His love for us that made it even possible for us to have even this much access to salvation. In our arrogance, we humans think we can supersede God - replace Him even. but, we are merely created beings – that we exist at all is based purely on the mercy of our Creator. He certainly didn't have to do anything about the chasm we humans forged between God and ourselves through the initial disobedience of our forebears - and our continued rebellion against Him. He could have simply let the natural consequences of our sins take us into Hell forever. But, the fact is that God loves us – so much so, in fact, that He actually became a human being, though yet fully God, in the Person of Jesus Christ, Who lived a sinless life and gave up His life in payment for our sins against God – once for all time. And, when the time has come, He will return in majesty and glory, to reign over a millennial Kingdom, after which the White Throne Judgment will separate forever those who chose to accept salvation and those who’ve chosen to reject God, and they shall then be sent into the eternal torment of the flames of Hell.
The bottom line, ISO, is that you either accept that Jesus is Who He said He was – or you reject Him – and, consequently, everything He said or did. There is no “other” path, no “other” viewpoint. Either Jesus Christ is God and is coming again – or He isn’t. Period.
ReplyDeleteThe Hebrew scholar, Sholem Asch, once said; “Jesus Christ is to me the outstanding personality of all time, all history, both as Son of God and as Son of Man. Everything He ever said or did has value for us today and that is something you can say of no other man, dead or alive. There is no... middle ground to stroll upon. You either accept Jesus or reject him. --Sholem Asch
Do, the question isn’t whether or not I believe this to be true – the question is do you believe it, ISO? The choice is yours – but Jesus is always waiting for you to open your heart and life to Him.
If you haven't already, get yourself a copy of a good Bible. King James is the standard -but translations such as the NIV and others are also efficacious for study. Read what Jesus said about Himself. Read what He told His disciples would come in the last days. There will be a lot of deception about Jesus' second coming during these times, according to the Bible. People will be saying these people are one of the dead prophets or even Christ! We are told not to believe any of these reports - if someone says Jesus has already come, you will know that it is not true! When Jesus comes back, everyone will see it over the whole earth.
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whosoever should believe in Him would not perish, but have eternal life.” John 3:16
God’s Truth and His peace be with you.
In His service,
Heidi Roberts