Rev. David Wilkerson Goes Home To Be With The Lord...

It is with sadness that Called OUT 4HIM Ministries extends our deepest sympathies to the family, friends and associates of Rev. David Wilkerson, who was killed in an auto accident on April 27th, in Texas. 

NOTE: Rev. Wilkerson's wife, Gwendolyn, was critically injured in the crash as well as another woman - please pray for their healing!!!
May 19, 1931 - April 27, 2011

Why Are We Seeing So Much Apostasy in the Church Today?

In my previous article, “The Adulterous Bride” I wrote about the adulterous relationship of the modern Church to Christ, referring to the activities and behaviors that are superseding true Gospel teaching and worship of God as the “children of apostasy”.

I continue that teaching today by examining the antecedents of that apostasy and tracing some of the root causes that have led to the current state of affairs.

The Adulterous Bride

Spouses may stray when they feel unloved or unwanted, it is true. But, infidelity is most often the result of substituting the “thrill of the chase” or a fulfillment of a lustful desire than out of true abandonment by their partner. Many a wife divorced in middle-age finds her former spouse out chasing women half his age – not because she has done anything wrong, but because he is looking for excitement and the fulfillment of his own fleshly desires. (Men aren’t alone in this – women do it too!) They’ve lost touch with their spouse and think that by substituting something else, that will provide what they need and desire.

It’s bad enough when a person does this – but, it’s even worse when it’s an entire church.

The "Face" of Christianity

The “Face” of Christianity

I get the Voice of the Martyrs (VOM ) magazine each month, which is a magazine all about persecuted Christians around the world. In January 2011, it had a story about a Christian women named Yubelina in Indonesia who was persecuted for her faith in Jesus; she was burned and horribly scarred during a Muslim attack on her village. VOM had placed her picture on the envelope, as well as the cover of the magazine, but not to shock people or scare them.
(Warning - photo in full blog post is graphic... use discretion)

Book Review

What Comes "Next"... 
A Review of Gabe Lyons: 
"The Next Christians: The Good News About the End of Christian America"

With such current furor over the future of Christianity in America, it would be refreshing to read a book that actually answers some of the tough questions that people are asking.