Taking Off The Trappings Of Death - a review of "Lazarus Awakening" by Joanna Weaver

What significance does the resurrection of Lazarus have for us? Was it just a demonstration of the power of God? Was it just meant to stun and amaze those who witnessed it? What does this mean to you, to me - to every Christian?

Joanna Weaver, in this third "unplanned" book of her Bethany trilogy - "Lazarus Awakening: Finding Your Place in the Heart of God" - explores the significance of the third member of the trio of friends in Bethany whom "Jesus loved" - Mary, Martha - and Lazarus, their brother.

The author of "Having a Mary Heart In  A Martha World", Weaver has again taken one of the most well-known stories of the life of Jesus and found in it surprising insights and meaning.

As spectacular as the resurrection of Lazarus was, John 11 really shows the intimate friendship between Jesus and these three friends - and is a treasure of insights into the inner discipleship walk of a Christian - that also takes what many of us were taught in Sunday School and shows the deeper life implications of "unwinding grave clothes" from our own lives and the lives of those around us.

If you're looking for a "feel good", light and airy book - this isn't it. It is, however, a refreshing and inspired look at this event. Joanna is able to bring together amazing insights in a way that leads you to more of an "A-HA!" experience, rather than bludgeoning you over the head with spiritual principles.

With the enclosed 8 - 10 week companion study, this life-changing look at different aspects of the story of Lazarus leads us on a journey of discovery - as we walk through the life, death and resurrection of this man "whom Jesus loved". By recognizing the tombs we ourselves are in, as wells as those around us, too - we learn what it means to be a friend of God and how to truly live a resurrect

If you are looking for a fresh approach to the Word and applying it to daily living, this book is a veritable gold mine of eternal significance. You won't be disappointed!

-Heidi M Roberts, June 4, 2011
(Legal - Received a free review copy from Waterbrook Multnomah Press Publishers)

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