CHRISLAM Comes to Southeastern Wisconsin

On June 26, 2011, Trinity Episcopal Church, 409 East Court Street in Janesville WI, will hold what they are calling an “Interfaith Dialogue” in which:

“Three faith leaders will openly be sharing scripture and its meaning from Islam, Judaism and Christianity..."

Below is the actual copy from their website at :

Interfaith Dialogue June 26 at Trinity
Three faith leaders will openly be sharing scripture and its meaning from Islam, Judaism and Christianity on Sunday at 6 pm at Ortmayer Hall, 419 E. Court St. The Diversity Action Team of Janesville is sponsoring this event in conjunction with a nation wide effort sharing faith, tolerance, respect and understanding (see Time will be given for question, answer and discussion. Seating will be on a first come basis. Two prior dialogues on Islam sponsored by DAT has drawn over one hundred people.

False Teachers - Why and How Should We Respond?

When we as Christians are faced with a teacher spreading a false gospel – what are we to do? Is this something unique to our time?
“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing... Matthew 7:15 (KJV)

Taking Off The Trappings Of Death - a review of "Lazarus Awakening" by Joanna Weaver

What significance does the resurrection of Lazarus have for us? Was it just a demonstration of the power of God? Was it just meant to stun and amaze those who witnessed it? What does this mean to you, to me - to every Christian?

Joanna Weaver, in this third "unplanned" book of her Bethany trilogy - "Lazarus Awakening: Finding Your Place in the Heart of God" - explores the significance of the third member of the trio of friends in Bethany whom "Jesus loved" - Mary, Martha - and Lazarus, their brother.