"Untamed" - review of the book by Lisa Harper

Too often Christian women wonder if they can really trust Jesus to truly be there for them in the midst of the struggles and dounts of daily life - because they think of Him as an almost effeminate and a way-too-gentle figure that just doesn't seem able to hold up to all that life can throw at us.

But is that really how Jesus is? Or is He a vital, bold God-Man Whose strength and passion are far more than sufficient to meet any struggle, any situation?

In a nutshell, Lisa Harper has penned a remarkable book that really digs into the heart of the "wild side' of Jesus - and how we can tap into that in a thoughtful and practical manner.

CHRISLAM Comes to Southeastern Wisconsin

On June 26, 2011, Trinity Episcopal Church, 409 East Court Street in Janesville WI, will hold what they are calling an “Interfaith Dialogue” in which:

“Three faith leaders will openly be sharing scripture and its meaning from Islam, Judaism and Christianity..."

Below is the actual copy from their website at http://www.trinityjanesville.org/ :

Interfaith Dialogue June 26 at Trinity
Three faith leaders will openly be sharing scripture and its meaning from Islam, Judaism and Christianity on Sunday at 6 pm at Ortmayer Hall, 419 E. Court St. The Diversity Action Team of Janesville is sponsoring this event in conjunction with a nation wide effort sharing faith, tolerance, respect and understanding (see faithshared.org). Time will be given for question, answer and discussion. Seating will be on a first come basis. Two prior dialogues on Islam sponsored by DAT has drawn over one hundred people.

False Teachers - Why and How Should We Respond?

When we as Christians are faced with a teacher spreading a false gospel – what are we to do? Is this something unique to our time?
“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing... Matthew 7:15 (KJV)

Taking Off The Trappings Of Death - a review of "Lazarus Awakening" by Joanna Weaver

What significance does the resurrection of Lazarus have for us? Was it just a demonstration of the power of God? Was it just meant to stun and amaze those who witnessed it? What does this mean to you, to me - to every Christian?

Joanna Weaver, in this third "unplanned" book of her Bethany trilogy - "Lazarus Awakening: Finding Your Place in the Heart of God" - explores the significance of the third member of the trio of friends in Bethany whom "Jesus loved" - Mary, Martha - and Lazarus, their brother.

On Camping's False Prophecy... (Love One Another)

"The day for the rapture came and went - and I'm still here!"

Today, thousands of people - the distraught followers of a false prophet who predicted the Rapture of the saints on a specific date and time - are realizing the folly of the lies they believed with impunity.

Many people in the secular media and even in some religious media, and in particular on social media such as Facebook, are laughing at these folks today - taunting, cackling, making profane jokes at the expense of these folks and their now defunct leader.

What should the Christian response be to this event? Can we join in the derision and laughter, or should we be doing something else?
One of the 1,000's of billboards paid for by Camping's followers

A New Day Dawning!

We sincerely apologize for the spotty updates to this blog over the past few weeks, but our hands and plates have been quite full!

As some of our readers have been aware, our church, Friendship Baptist Church, had to close its doors this past Sunday. As a result, after a great deal of prayer and discussion since last Autumn, a new home church has been founded, to be known as Agape Gospel Fellowship.

Since this blog is an arm of that ministry, we will be expanding and changing a few things here on the blog as things develop in the new church group.

Please pray for us, for the group that is forming the core of this new fellowship of believers.

Thank you and God bless you!

Tim & Heidi Roberts

Mad at God? Sure You’ve Got the Right Person?

 by Tim Roberts

Yes - I am calling on the people who claim they are mad at God.

It is funny how quickly we as humans - as God’s children - can turn on Him, faster than white on rice! Many of us have done the same to our parents, blaming them for everything that’s gone wrong in our lives. Our kids now blame us and become mad at us if they don’t get their way.

Hello!?!?! Back the truck up and think for one second!

Rev. David Wilkerson Goes Home To Be With The Lord...

It is with sadness that Called OUT 4HIM Ministries extends our deepest sympathies to the family, friends and associates of Rev. David Wilkerson, who was killed in an auto accident on April 27th, in Texas. 

NOTE: Rev. Wilkerson's wife, Gwendolyn, was critically injured in the crash as well as another woman - please pray for their healing!!!
May 19, 1931 - April 27, 2011

Why Are We Seeing So Much Apostasy in the Church Today?

In my previous article, “The Adulterous Bride” I wrote about the adulterous relationship of the modern Church to Christ, referring to the activities and behaviors that are superseding true Gospel teaching and worship of God as the “children of apostasy”.

I continue that teaching today by examining the antecedents of that apostasy and tracing some of the root causes that have led to the current state of affairs.

The Adulterous Bride

Spouses may stray when they feel unloved or unwanted, it is true. But, infidelity is most often the result of substituting the “thrill of the chase” or a fulfillment of a lustful desire than out of true abandonment by their partner. Many a wife divorced in middle-age finds her former spouse out chasing women half his age – not because she has done anything wrong, but because he is looking for excitement and the fulfillment of his own fleshly desires. (Men aren’t alone in this – women do it too!) They’ve lost touch with their spouse and think that by substituting something else, that will provide what they need and desire.

It’s bad enough when a person does this – but, it’s even worse when it’s an entire church.

The "Face" of Christianity

The “Face” of Christianity

I get the Voice of the Martyrs (VOM http://www.persecution.com ) magazine each month, which is a magazine all about persecuted Christians around the world. In January 2011, it had a story about a Christian women named Yubelina in Indonesia who was persecuted for her faith in Jesus; she was burned and horribly scarred during a Muslim attack on her village. VOM had placed her picture on the envelope, as well as the cover of the magazine, but not to shock people or scare them.
(Warning - photo in full blog post is graphic... use discretion)

Book Review

What Comes "Next"... 
A Review of Gabe Lyons: 
"The Next Christians: The Good News About the End of Christian America"

With such current furor over the future of Christianity in America, it would be refreshing to read a book that actually answers some of the tough questions that people are asking.

Our Sister Has Gone Home to Glory

Posted by Heidi Roberts, March 31, 2011

Our dear sister-in-Christ, Audrey Snider (10/12/1917 - 03/31/2011)went home to be with the Lord this morning.

She is survived by her beloved husband, Mark, her grown children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

Please pray for the Comfort of the Holy Spirit for our brother-in-Christ Mark and the entire family.

Mark Snider is the co-founder of "Called OUT 4HIM" Ministries, along with my husband, Tim, and myself.

Seeking Kingdom Rewards

I had a disconcerting experience not long ago, when I saw a status update on Facebook: 

"I long to die for Christ, so I may earn the martyr's crown...".

I thought, “Seriously? You want to die just so you can have a better reward in heaven?”

So often we try to do things "on our own".

"So Shall The Coming of the Son of Man Be..."

My husband and I were just talking tonight about how people are just going on about their merry lives, not seeming to really be affected by or caring what is going on in the world - how that is exactly what is spoken of in Scripture...

When Good is Evil and Evil is Good

When Good is Evil and Evil is Good
By Heidi Roberts

In a recent discussion on Facebook, over whether or not it was appropriate for a Christian woman to engage in certain practices, I said the following:

"If Eve had only picked and smelled the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, would that have been okay? What if she cut it open and examined the interior? Maybe poked out a couple of seeds and played with them on her palm? What if she had only licked the fruit and immediately spat it out? How about if she'd taken some of the peel and squeezed the oil out of it and used it as a perfume? What if she had taken just a tiny bit, swirled it around her mouth, and then spit it out, washed her mouth out with water and rinsed many, many times? Would that have been okay? Exactly at what point did she actually "eat" of the fruit? When was the disobedience committed? The problem with saying, ""...how can it be wrong?” is that is exactly the logic the serpent used to tempt Eve into sin; ie: how could the eating of a fruit that looked and smelled so good, possibly be wrong?"

Scripture tells us that we should, "Abstain from all appearance of evil." (1 Thess 5:22 KJV) If we, indeed, are to do so, to not even have the appearance of evil, than how can we possibly say something like, "...but if it is done right and for the glory of HIM... then how can it be wrong?"

It so easily can be!!

Faith Ends Where Worry Begins...

"Faith Ends Where Worry Begins - Worry Ends Where Faith Begins"
By Timothy S. Roberts, March 23, 2011

     Brothers and sisters, we may worry every day, but let's try to remember: Jesus told us not to worry...

Saying "YES!" To God When Everything In You Is Screaming "NO!"

Scared. Doubtful.

This how I was feeling when God called my husband and I to His service in late 2008.

Why All Of This Hoorah Over "End Times"?

(originally posted on Facebook by Heidi Roberts)

I can utterly understand what many people are saying about the multitudes of posts and web pages about the end times and current events on Facebook and other places. It certainly does seem that many people have taken it upon themselves to scream at the top of their lungs, “Repent! The End Is Near!”, like one of those sandwich-board preachers you sometimes see on the streets in big cities, or in movies. You see and hear that enough times, you just want to shout, “Enough already! I heard you the first thousand times you said it!”