On Camping's False Prophecy... (Love One Another)

"The day for the rapture came and went - and I'm still here!"

Today, thousands of people - the distraught followers of a false prophet who predicted the Rapture of the saints on a specific date and time - are realizing the folly of the lies they believed with impunity.

Many people in the secular media and even in some religious media, and in particular on social media such as Facebook, are laughing at these folks today - taunting, cackling, making profane jokes at the expense of these folks and their now defunct leader.

What should the Christian response be to this event? Can we join in the derision and laughter, or should we be doing something else?
One of the 1,000's of billboards paid for by Camping's followers

A New Day Dawning!

We sincerely apologize for the spotty updates to this blog over the past few weeks, but our hands and plates have been quite full!

As some of our readers have been aware, our church, Friendship Baptist Church, had to close its doors this past Sunday. As a result, after a great deal of prayer and discussion since last Autumn, a new home church has been founded, to be known as Agape Gospel Fellowship.

Since this blog is an arm of that ministry, we will be expanding and changing a few things here on the blog as things develop in the new church group.

Please pray for us, for the group that is forming the core of this new fellowship of believers.

Thank you and God bless you!

Tim & Heidi Roberts

Mad at God? Sure You’ve Got the Right Person?

 by Tim Roberts

Yes - I am calling on the people who claim they are mad at God.

It is funny how quickly we as humans - as God’s children - can turn on Him, faster than white on rice! Many of us have done the same to our parents, blaming them for everything that’s gone wrong in our lives. Our kids now blame us and become mad at us if they don’t get their way.

Hello!?!?! Back the truck up and think for one second!