When Good is Evil and Evil is Good
By Heidi Roberts
In a recent discussion on Facebook, over whether or not it was appropriate for a Christian woman to engage in certain practices, I said the following:
"If Eve had only picked and smelled the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, would that have been okay? What if she cut it open and examined the interior? Maybe poked out a couple of seeds and played with them on her palm? What if she had only licked the fruit and immediately spat it out? How about if she'd taken some of the peel and squeezed the oil out of it and used it as a perfume? What if she had taken just a tiny bit, swirled it around her mouth, and then spit it out, washed her mouth out with water and rinsed many, many times? Would that have been okay? Exactly at what point did she actually "eat" of the fruit? When was the disobedience committed? The problem with saying, ""...how can it be wrong?” is that is exactly the logic the serpent used to tempt Eve into sin; ie: how could the eating of a fruit that looked and smelled so good, possibly be wrong?"
Scripture tells us that we should, "Abstain from all appearance of evil." (1 Thess 5:22 KJV) If we, indeed, are to do so, to not even have the appearance of evil, than how can we possibly say something like, "...but if it is done right and for the glory of HIM... then how can it be wrong?"
It so easily can be!!