Our Sister Has Gone Home to Glory

Posted by Heidi Roberts, March 31, 2011

Our dear sister-in-Christ, Audrey Snider (10/12/1917 - 03/31/2011)went home to be with the Lord this morning.

She is survived by her beloved husband, Mark, her grown children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

Please pray for the Comfort of the Holy Spirit for our brother-in-Christ Mark and the entire family.

Mark Snider is the co-founder of "Called OUT 4HIM" Ministries, along with my husband, Tim, and myself.

Seeking Kingdom Rewards

I had a disconcerting experience not long ago, when I saw a status update on Facebook: 

"I long to die for Christ, so I may earn the martyr's crown...".

I thought, “Seriously? You want to die just so you can have a better reward in heaven?”

So often we try to do things "on our own".

"So Shall The Coming of the Son of Man Be..."

My husband and I were just talking tonight about how people are just going on about their merry lives, not seeming to really be affected by or caring what is going on in the world - how that is exactly what is spoken of in Scripture...

When Good is Evil and Evil is Good

When Good is Evil and Evil is Good
By Heidi Roberts

In a recent discussion on Facebook, over whether or not it was appropriate for a Christian woman to engage in certain practices, I said the following:

"If Eve had only picked and smelled the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, would that have been okay? What if she cut it open and examined the interior? Maybe poked out a couple of seeds and played with them on her palm? What if she had only licked the fruit and immediately spat it out? How about if she'd taken some of the peel and squeezed the oil out of it and used it as a perfume? What if she had taken just a tiny bit, swirled it around her mouth, and then spit it out, washed her mouth out with water and rinsed many, many times? Would that have been okay? Exactly at what point did she actually "eat" of the fruit? When was the disobedience committed? The problem with saying, ""...how can it be wrong?” is that is exactly the logic the serpent used to tempt Eve into sin; ie: how could the eating of a fruit that looked and smelled so good, possibly be wrong?"

Scripture tells us that we should, "Abstain from all appearance of evil." (1 Thess 5:22 KJV) If we, indeed, are to do so, to not even have the appearance of evil, than how can we possibly say something like, "...but if it is done right and for the glory of HIM... then how can it be wrong?"

It so easily can be!!

Faith Ends Where Worry Begins...

"Faith Ends Where Worry Begins - Worry Ends Where Faith Begins"
By Timothy S. Roberts, March 23, 2011

     Brothers and sisters, we may worry every day, but let's try to remember: Jesus told us not to worry...

Saying "YES!" To God When Everything In You Is Screaming "NO!"

Scared. Doubtful.

This how I was feeling when God called my husband and I to His service in late 2008.

Why All Of This Hoorah Over "End Times"?

(originally posted on Facebook by Heidi Roberts)

I can utterly understand what many people are saying about the multitudes of posts and web pages about the end times and current events on Facebook and other places. It certainly does seem that many people have taken it upon themselves to scream at the top of their lungs, “Repent! The End Is Near!”, like one of those sandwich-board preachers you sometimes see on the streets in big cities, or in movies. You see and hear that enough times, you just want to shout, “Enough already! I heard you the first thousand times you said it!”